More than 2500 People attends

The festival has been a source of bringing a sense of social co-existence in the communities where we have the existence of four different major ethno-linguistic groups who are totally different in terms of life styles, language, economic activities as well as cultural orientations. Datooga/ Nilots are nomadic pastoralists while the Iraqw/Cushits are large scale farmers, the Hadzabe/Khoisans are hunters and gathers, and the Bantu involves them with Mixed economy. The event has been a unifying factor which at last brings peace and harmony in the community unlike other areas where the community experience some social unrest due to different ethno linguistic groups with different social and economic needs.

The festival has boosted economic standards of the people among the IR-VICOBA groups supported by 4CCP/NCA whereas the festival has been a selling point of their products mostly cultural products as well as other products such as honey and traditional clothes which are within their reach, we market their products as well as link them to other buyers but also open them to more value addition hence helps them increase their capital.

The festival boosts cultural orientations whereas the forgotten customs and traditions are being practiced through traditional ngoma from all the four major groups as well as from other places around Tanzania such as Arusha, Ngorongoro, Dodoma, Mwanza, Nzega and other places. This brings about a sense of preservation of the worthy cultural values.

During the festival, capacity building on entrepreneurship and social issues, provision of health services as offered by Haydom Lutheran hospital as well as commemorating some key slogans such as “Hapa Kazi tu” slogan, fights against AIDS, Breast cancer, Fistula and Gender based violence etc.

It also fosters the cultural tourism element in Tanzania by connecting the local community to the whole of Tanzania as well as the international community.